Internal Elections
Regional Executive Nominations 2025 Nominations Close at the close of our Autumn 2024 Conference.
Positions for election:
- President
- Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Vice Chair Campaigns
- Vice Chair Candidates
- Vice Chair Conferences
- Vice Chair Membership, Diversity & Inclusion
- Vice Chair Policy
- Vice Chair Standards & Practice
- Ordinary Member (32 to elect, with reserved places for each of the county areas of Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Merseyside)
- English Council Representative (around 11 to elect, number of places for the North West to be confirmed in October).
- Regional Candidates Committee (4 places to elect)
To nominate yourself:
Email the position(s) along with your name, address, local party and membership number to:
Cc copy it to
(This helps us cross-check in case of any email problems)
Nominations for President require ten members other than yourself to give their support to your nomination.
They each need to email stating they endorse your nomination for Regional President along with your name, and their name, address, local party and membership number.
Nominations for all other positions require two members other than yourself to give their support to your nomination (nominator and seconder)
The two each need to email stating the position(s) they endorse your nomination for along with your name, and their name, address, local party and membership number.
Again this email needs to go to and copied to
Alternatively paper nomination form: